Swedish Brown Beans

I have a romantic notion about beans — in that I never seem to get them quite right when cooking them from dry bean status.  It shouldn’t be a significant challenge, as many people conquered this, especially over the course of the most recent pandemic.  But, with this recipe, I finally was pleased with the end result of the beans that I cooked.  Starting with dry beans and using the recipe from the Michigan League Cookbook, I think I found success and a great base recipe that can be tweaked, but doesn’t need tweaking, moving forward.

Swedish Brown Beans

Swedish Brown Beans

2 c beans, brown
6 c cold water
2 tsp salt
1/2 c vinegar
1/2 c corn syrup, dark
2 Tbsp brown sugar

Wash beans in running water; place in a medium-sized pot and add the fresh cold water.  Soak overnight.

The next day, bring the beans to a boil in their soaking water.  Half cover the pot and simmer until the beans are almost tender, about 1 hour.  Stir in remaining ingredients and continue cooking slowly until tender, about 1 hour.

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